As a reminder, the following are the procedures for arrival and dismissal of our students at Troy Heritage Trail. Only the buses will be using the front lane closest to Longford Drive for arrival and dismissal of students. We appreciate your cooperation in following the procedures for the safety of all Heritage Trail students.
- The front drive will function as a Bus zone only. No driving or parking will be allowed in this lane.
- Car riders should drive around the building to the West side of the school. All children will be dropped off and picked up on the West side of the building.
- Students may enter the building at 8:20am.
- No double or triple parking will be allowed in the Stop & Drop Lane.
- Walkers will enter through doors 2, 12, and 4.
- Only people who need to visit the office will be allowed to park and walk up to the building.
- Vehicles dropping off or picking up students will be stopped while students use the crosswalk and to allow buses to enter or depart from the school.
Through cooperation and patience, we can work together to assure the safety of all Heritage Trail Elementary School children.